Sheriff: Casey White and Vicky White captured with firearms, cash and wigs
does everybody know what we’re here today because we were seeking out this particular fugitive from Alabama who had been in on *** capital murder offense And had been in Evansville for approximately one week. We were fortunate to have cooperation with law enforcement from Alabama. Mississippi are us Marshal Task Force, which is uh comprised of members of the Sheriff’s office, the indiana State Police and the Evansville Police Department and the U. S. Marshal Service. Because of all the resources. We we received *** lot of tips. Uh we got some good surveillance videos that showed *** pickup truck that had been left at *** car wash and then *** subsequent vehicle that they took and escaped in from the car wash, which was *** cadillac. We recently found out that they had been staying at *** hotel down the road here. It used to be *** motel six and I think it’s changed names And they had *** 14 day stay there. We were fortunate that during our investigation yesterday and Evansville police officer, he was just doing his good diligence of patrolling and being smart. I noticed the vehicle in the parking lot of the hotel and notified us immediately. So the task force members got together, they drove down there, set up surveillance on the hotel. Soon thereafter, the two suspects exited the hotel and fled out of the hotel parking lot northbound on US Highway 41 turned in at an industry known as anchor here in evansville. They went through the parking lot, went through *** grass field. The members of the U. S. Task force basically rammed the vehicle and pushed it into *** ditch and we later found out had they not done that the fugitive was going to engage in *** shootout with law enforcement. So bye Our quick thinking or actions. Sometimes people may call that unnecessary action, but that action may have saved many of my deputies and fellow law enforcement officers lives and that’s why I represent the sheriff’s office. I want to bring my people home and I don’t care about the fugitives lives If it protects my people’s lives and here I commend them for *** job. Well done. They knew they were going up against *** dangerous felon, *** murderer. And we have photos of the weapons that were located in the vehicle. There were at least four handguns, semiautomatics, 9 mm And this is known as *** AR15 which shoots 2-3 caliber round. So any one of these weapons could have been used to ambush our officers while they were attempting to capture *** murder suspect. So I commend them for the quick and aggressive action. It probably saved *** lot of chaos by doing quick action there. Once the vehicle crashed, the female suspect shot herself, the male suspect gave up when we approached the vehicle. They were both taken out of the vehicle. Lifesaving measures was attempted on the female but she suffered *** grave injury and subsequently died at the hospital last night. We interviewed the suspect for quite some time. I don’t want to get into all the details of that because some of that may be used against him, but we have him presently in our Vanderburgh county jail, he signed *** waiver of extradition to go back to Alabama. I’ve notified the sheriff there and they are going to make arrangements to pick the suspect up and return him to the state of Alabama due to safety and security measures. We won’t be divulging that to you. It won’t be *** public spectacle when he leaves to go out uh hidden exit and and it won’t be for public display. So we won’t divulge the date and time when the Alabama authorities take the prisoner back to Alabama. Once again, I can’t shout out enough praise to all the law enforcement here in our community for the hard work that they do. The task force. I was asked by *** member of the media this morning if this was like an odd occurrence and it’s certainly not an odd occurrence. We arrest dangerous felon subjects every single week. We’ve been involved in multiple shootings in this community. We’ve shot people we’ve been shot at. So this is law enforcement. This is today’s law enforcement is very dangerous occupation. So I hope the public realizes what we do is dangerous and we have to take action to protect ourselves. So each and every one of these fine men and women go home to their family and their loved ones and we don’t let the criminal win the war. So I I appreciate you being here. That pretty well wraps up. What I have to say. We have multiple members here. If anybody wants to add to what I said, you’re welcome to do that. If anybody has questions I wanna ask off this. Go ahead. Yes sir. We know that Vicki White had $90,000 in cash with her. Have you located that money? Yeah we got *** photo here’s they had about $29,000 leftover. Here’s *** picture of the money that was left in the vehicle that that we counted last night after we inventoried the vehicles. The owner of the manager of the car wash who first called police about the truck, will he be receiving the $25,000 reward? Now I don’t know anything about the reward money personally. It seems like he’s sort of solved it and I don’t know but that would be something that would deal with right now. That’s not on earth 1 50 the cadillac. But how did they get the F. 1 50 the cadillac they purchased the F 1 50 and drove it here and where they got the cadillac. I’m not sure at this moment. Well I think he said that he was just trying to find *** place to hide out and lay low and they thought you know they’d driven long enough that they wanted to stop for *** while to get their bearings straight and then figure out their next place to travel. That they were no, we don’t believe they have any relatives, friends or acquaintances in Evansville, Vanderburgh County. There may be some dash or body camera video. We haven’t got that far yet for examining and releasing that and there may be but, but what I said that that’s *** lot further into our investigation apparently on Tuesday to report not only that truck, but also that he’d seen images of Casey white with tattoos on his arm and was told there’s nothing we can do right now. It’s not reported as *** stolen vehicle. Those were his words, Why did it take so long to get *** response? Okay, we’ll let the police chief So I’ll back up just *** little bit on May 2nd. We had an officer on the evening of May two. Proactively driving through lots and he was running plates just to see if they were stolen. He actually was the first one to run this plate on the evening of May two and it didn’t come back stolen. Didn’t return anything on May 4th. We got the call to the car wash and the first officer went out and the caller was not on scene when the officer was there. We do have body camera footage of the officer running the plate. Uh looking in the car, he ran the vin number and then he left because it was an abandoned vehicle That We can’t told that it would have to be 48 hours at the owner’s request of *** place before we can tow it off the private property. But the owner of the residents can choose to have it towed on their own. He called back *** couple hours later and had not seen the officer on scene. So we sent another officer back out, met with him. The second officer that went out also ran the info and explain the process to him that we would have to wait 48 hours before we could tow it. But if he wanted to tow it on his own, he could and that’s when they told the vehicle was on May 4th after that second run. Um from everything we’ve, we’ve seen, there was no mention that this was connected to Alabama on the 911 gives hope or number one. I’m sorry. 911 audio. There was no mention that it was connected Alabama. So at that point last week there was no tie at all to this being involved with anything out of state. There was no mention to it being connected with them. So it was just an abandoned vehicle for us at that point, the case why he stopped at the car wash that. No, there’s no reason he just happened to pull in there. I think he’s gonna try to ditch the vehicle there By the 14 days stay. They were only gone for about 11 days. But you said *** 14 days Paid for 14 days stay at the hotel. What’s that? Yes, Yes. Any sense of an endgame, did they have somewhere they were headed to? Did he give you any sense of an endgame *** place that they were headed to? No, they said they were just trying to contemplate where they could go and kind of be discreetly away from the public side. Sheriff was in this area. Wigs and multiple wigs. Sure He was in this area since they were in this area, presumably since May three almost *** week. Um What other interactions have you been able to trace? If they were here that long? Surely there were other businesses or whatever that they would have. Well, we’re to that point, just like yesterday, there’s hundreds of tips that come in. Someone claims they’ve seen the suspects, but we’ve had people claim they saw him in Richmond indiana and we just go through every single tip. But from my standpoint, we’ve got the case solved, we’ve got *** person deceased and we have another person in custody headed back to Alabama. That’s my concern. Uh when uh we hear that when he was getting pulled, when he was coming out of the car, he said my wife is dead and I didn’t do it. Uh Do we know if that’s true? And were they married? They were not married. They shared the same last name and our preliminary investigation? We don’t believe he shot her. But once the coroner examines the body through pathology, he can make *** determination of that. How do you know that He was aiming Casey White to have some sort of violent confrontation with police? Obviously you showed that arsenal of weapons that was inside the car, that he expressed in your interviews with Casey? Any desire to do that? Yes, he said that he was probably going to have *** shootout in in at the stake of both of them losing their lives. Did they have *** plan where they’re trying to get somewhere? Obviously he wanted to escape. Their plan was pretty faulty. They’re criminals. They’re plan was faulty and it failed. Thank God shot. Well, no and once again, what was going through her mind? I have no idea, Sheriff. He’d expressed how long and that relationship has gone on between the two and that that’s under investigation. We’re not gonna divulge that right now, sheriff. Did he express any remorse for her death? No. Right now he was not forcing her. It was *** mutual relationship. Sheriff. Can you clarify where she shot herself? Well, well, well, let the corner talk about that after the pathologist to the second. When is that coroner’s report expected? Well, we think that definitely the autopsy will be conducted this afternoon and then they’ll put *** report out when they’re ready. Hey sheriff? Uh you don’t know how they got the cadillac. How did you guys know to look for *** cadillac? No, we saw the cadillac and surveillance video at the time. They ditch the pickup truck and then they left in the cadillac. Does he cooperate? We’re not gonna charge him here. He has much more serious charges in Alabama and we want to get him down there and let them take care of that. We haven’t found any drugs of any significance. I’m not jealous. Somebody that works of course not their jail, but somebody that works in the jail. Did this. Well, it’s *** certainly unpleasant thought. It’s kind of shocking that somebody would do that. But remember they’re human beings that they have their own minds and for whatever reason that they’ve developed some type of relationship. And and so it’s startling. But you know, they’re humans make mistakes, Sheriff. How many law enforcement vehicles were damaged? Uh maybe three at most. Man. That’s *** small price to pay to stop *** murderer. Does this hurt? Just one had *** *** slight head injury from banging his head inside the vehicle. But he’s okay now, where did she get the gun? Get the gun that? Well, I I have no idea if we could have one from her agency, they could have stolen something could have bought some and that’s where we got *** piece of it. If you want to look, here’s the pictures of the vehicle, Here’s his and hers vehicle here and and this was *** ditch that really nobody knew including the suspects but this ditch actually helped us in the pursuit because as they forcibly rammed the vehicles, it turned over on its side and that disrupted his plan to try to have *** shootout with law enforcement and he even made that statement. Okay, things like this don’t happen very often. Can you speak to that? Just kind of what if this was like department as well as Mhm. Well in law enforcement you can be *** town like in Posey County where deputy was shot in the head. You can be in new york city, you can be in Evansville indiana crimes everywhere, unexpected crime, violent crime is everywhere. So we never go to work thinking we’re not going to encounter an unusual are serious situation. I said our task force members routinely go out and arrest violent felons, murderers and they get shot at and they get attacked and they get resistant. We get involved in pursuits. We’re in *** very dangerous occupation And evansville indiana is *** fairly large community. I think people forget that 180,000 people And we’re *** hub of *** very large demographic area. So we serve *** population base of over 350,000 people and it’s conducive for criminal activity and we had to prepare for that every single day. Sure. Do you know anything about the provenance of any of those possible that any of them were part of the world service. It could be. But right now we will continue our investigation. But that’s the least of my worries at this time. But we will try to find an origin for each and every one of these weapons who planned this and how much? Yeah, but I’m not going to get into the interview with the detectives. Well, she supposedly maybe sold *** home but before she left town and got *** large sum of money from that. It’s ready question was or what? I think she may have had *** little bit of communication with our dispatch possibly. I wasn’t aware of it 100%, but I think she may have been talking to our dispatch. Is that *** police ordered issued taser there in that photo. That’s from her duty belt. This is her duty belt she wore as *** confinement officer correction officer in her home state of Alabama. She just took that with her when she left in the car in the car. They were in the vehicle video. Okay, well it just, it was *** long drawn out process like the police chief said, it’s just bits and pieces of information kept coming in and tying things together and it wasn’t until over the weekend where it looked like more of *** possibility that they had been here for sure. And once again after six days it was just hard to believe they were here. I wouldn’t think somebody on the run would stay in *** community like Evans over six days but we brought the resources in and continued our investigation based on the information we had. No he’s just in *** holding area that may be the core nationwide man. Well I mean we don’t have any reason to believe that right now but once again we’re less than 24 hours in this investigation. We have *** lot more of the puzzle to put together. So just yesterday. Yeah yesterday was *** very short window of time. He had *** couple of bumps and bruises from the crash. Sheriff. Can you confirm that side? The rest actually taking place to confirm that it was Casey White. I haven’t seen the video but Casey White was at the scene. So you got that for sure. Can we get J. Pegs of those posters so that we can actually have *** digital version of that. What you’re showing us possible. Yeah. Fox are out of time. Right. I think it was almost instantaneously before our deputies and task force members got to the vehicle. She shot herself. He said it used to be *** motel six say that. Yeah I got it written down here. So Motel 41 nearby. Yes by less than *** mile south of here. Oh I’m sorry I’m not sorry I apologize to the left. I’m sorry. Was that f. hurt. She had bought that vehicle. Yes. I don’t know what she she may have bought it in the state of Tennessee. I’m not sure. I know. I think after The car was actually purchased by Casey White for $6,000 in Tennessee, same day they escaped. Is that not accurate? That’s probably accurate this year. Yes. Was it everybody okay with that? And I know you’ve asked *** lot of questions and as the sheriff, I think they’re good media related questions but we’re trying to take dangerous people off the street. And so *** lot of the where they bought the car and where they did this and that is *** minor concern versus us getting them off the street and making our community safe now that this investigation will go on maybe for weeks and we will uncover things in the future that we don’t have at this time. But Like you said, we were less than 24 hours from the time that we were involved in pursuit and *** serious crash and somebody losing their life investigation at this point, several we have the United States Marshal, the indiana State Police, the Police Department, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office. Many members of law enforcement from Alabama Mississippi, some members of the FBI and and probably agencies in between. So there’s plenty of agencies involved many of the never mind. What about her assistant Seven that one. How did that that No, it takes so long. I’m not understand your question As someone to follow in law enforcement Vicki White. Yeah, presumably that had something to do with why it took so long Over the week. 11 days for this to come to an end. I’m asking with her expertise. No. That has absolutely no merit to what went on zero. *** sheriff, Sheriff. I’m sorry. The photos that you’re releasing, I think, well, we’ll have photos available for media later. Yes. Does anybody else need comments about anything? You want to say that many questions of the other law enforcement leaders here to know not to see the vehicle in personnel. What’s up? I don’t know if we do, if, if we do, we can, we can maybe release that. That’s not *** big deal. It’s *** wig. *** standard wig. Did you see the pictures on the side this Oh yeah, yeah, sure. Sure. You guys want to take those over there. I think there was multiple wigs and that may be reddish and blonde. Yeah. You wouldn’t look good in it. Mm hmm. Mhm.
Sheriff: Casey White and Vicky White captured with firearms, cash and wigs
Authorities in Indiana held a news conference Tuesday and shared photos of the firearms and cash they recovered after apprehending Alabama murder suspect Casey White and Vicky White, the now-deceased deputy who helped him escape jail. Hear the latest updates in the video above.Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding said deputies and officers found the pair with four handguns and an AR-15. “Any one of these weapons could have been used to ambush our officers while they were attempting to capture a murder suspect,” Wedding said.They also found them with $29,000 in cash. Vicky White reportedly sold her home for about $95,000 before the two disappeared from the Lauderdale County jail on April 29.Sheriff Wedding said the pair also had multiple wigs and had been in the Evansville area for about a week. He said Casey White and Vicky White were not married. Wedding said Casey White “was not forcing her” to do anything. “It was a mutual relationship,” the sheriff said. According to Wedding, Casey White planned to have a shootout with law enforcement. “He said that he was probably going to have a shootout at the stake of the both of them losing their lives,” the sheriff said.Authorities said they believe Vicky White shot herself “once the vehicle crashed” following the chase Monday in Evansville. She later died at a hospital. A coroner will confirm whether Vicky White shot herself, Wedding said.”Their plan was pretty faulty,” the sheriff said. “They’re criminals. Their plan was faulty and it failed. Thank God.”CASEY WHITE EXTRADITIONPrior to the news conference, Casey White waived his extradition at a hearing, paving the way for his return to Lauderdale County. White appeared at the extradition hearing via video wearing a bright yellow prison shirt and pants, ankles and hands shackled before him. The judge told him he could waive extradition, telling him it “simply means you want to go back to Lauderdale County and get this resolved.” The judge said if he didn’t waive extradition, an extradition hearing would be held in 30 days, and authorities from Alabama would come to confirm his identity. The judge said the process would take up to six months.”I’m waiving my rights,” White told the judge. “I’m going back to Alabama.”Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton confirmed Tuesday afternoon that Casey White will be back in Lauderdale County between 9:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Tuesday for a court hearing. He will then be immediately transported to an Alabama state prison facility.WATCH BELOW: Casey White returns to Lauderdale County, Alabama for court arraignmentIn 2019, White was sentenced to 75 years in prison for a series of crimes in Limestone County including kidnapping, attempted murder, robbery and burglary.Get the WVTM 13 app for the latest updates on this developing story. Follow WVTM 13 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. —
Authorities in Indiana held a news conference Tuesday and shared photos of the firearms and cash they recovered after apprehending Alabama murder suspect Casey White and Vicky White, the now-deceased deputy who helped him escape jail. Hear the latest updates in the video above.
Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding said deputies and officers found the pair with four handguns and an AR-15.
“Any one of these weapons could have been used to ambush our officers while they were attempting to capture a murder suspect,” Wedding said.
They also found them with $29,000 in cash. Vicky White reportedly sold her home for about $95,000 before the two disappeared from the Lauderdale County jail on April 29.
Sheriff Wedding said the pair also had multiple wigs and had been in the Evansville area for about a week. He said Casey White and Vicky White were not married. Wedding said Casey White “was not forcing her” to do anything. “It was a mutual relationship,” the sheriff said.
According to Wedding, Casey White planned to have a shootout with law enforcement.
“He said that he was probably going to have a shootout at the stake of the both of them losing their lives,” the sheriff said.
Authorities said they believe Vicky White shot herself “once the vehicle crashed” following the chase Monday in Evansville. She later died at a hospital. A coroner will confirm whether Vicky White shot herself, Wedding said.
“Their plan was pretty faulty,” the sheriff said. “They’re criminals. Their plan was faulty and it failed. Thank God.”
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Prior to the news conference, Casey White waived his extradition at a hearing, paving the way for his return to Lauderdale County. White appeared at the extradition hearing via video wearing a bright yellow prison shirt and pants, ankles and hands shackled before him.
The judge told him he could waive extradition, telling him it “simply means you want to go back to Lauderdale County and get this resolved.” The judge said if he didn’t waive extradition, an extradition hearing would be held in 30 days, and authorities from Alabama would come to confirm his identity. The judge said the process would take up to six months.
“I’m waiving my rights,” White told the judge. “I’m going back to Alabama.”
Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton confirmed Tuesday afternoon that Casey White will be back in Lauderdale County between 9:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Tuesday for a court hearing. He will then be immediately transported to an Alabama state prison facility.
WATCH BELOW: Casey White returns to Lauderdale County, Alabama for court arraignment
In 2019, White was sentenced to 75 years in prison for a series of crimes in Limestone County including kidnapping, attempted murder, robbery and burglary.
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You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.