Public Notice Publish March 4, 2022 The – Alexandria Echo Press


Public Notice Publish March 4, 2022 The Board of Commissioners in and for the County of Douglas, State of Minnesota, met in Regular Session this 16th day of February 2022. The full text is available for public inspection in the County Auditor/Treasurer’s Office. To approve the agenda with revisions. Motion carried. To approve minutes of the January 18, 2022, Regular Meeting as submitted. Motion carried. To approve the requests from West Central Ag-Air Inc. and Benson Air Ag, Inc to perform aerial spraying operations to control forest tent caterpillars, as requested by some residents of Douglas County, to satisfy FAA Part 137 regulations. Motion carried. To approve filling seasonal/temporary positions as presented by Heather Schlangen, County Coordinator. Motion carried. To approve the recommendation from DDA to set the IT Security Analyst at grade 12, start recruiting, and fill any subsequent vacancies. Motion carried. To approve the Carlos, Miltona, and Evansville Law Enforcement Contracts as presented by Troy Wolbersen, Sheriff. Motion carried. To adopt Resolution 22-16 supporting the snowmobile safety enforcement grant contract. Motion carried. To authorize the County Board Chair to sign the .Gov Domain Registration letter as presented by IT Director, Brent Birkeland. Motion carried. To adopt Resolution 22-17 for the Contract Final – SAP 021-601-038 (CSAH 1), etc. Motion carried. To adopt Resolution 22-18 for the Contract Final – SAP 021-608-020 & SAP 021-640-003 (CSAH 8 & CSAH 40). Motion carried. To approve ordering a tandem snowplow truck. Motion carried. To approve the Douglas County Public Works 2022 Highway Sign Materials quote from Newman Signs, Inc. out of Jamestown, North Dakota in amount of $15,531.45. Motion carried. To approve filling to fill a full time Survey Technician vacancy and any subsequent vacancies. Motion carried. To approve filling to fill a full time Office Assistant vacancy and any subsequent vacancies. Motion carried. To approve Resolution 22-19 accepting the donation of $1,500.00 from Minnesota Deer Hunters Association for Spruce Hill Archery Park. Motion carried. To approve setting special assessment on County Ditch 17 at a four percent levy. Motion carried. To approve phased retirement option as presented by Tim Erickson, Public Works Director. Motion carried. The County Board took a break from 9:34 a.m. to 9:41 a.m. To approve the following Disposal Hauler License:  • Steve’s Sanitation, Inc.; 140 6th Ave NE; Perham, MN 56573 Motion carried. To approve the following Excavator/Landscaper Licenses: • Landscapes Design and Installation; 5266 Birchwood Ct NW; Alexandria, MN 56308 • Brundell Landscaping, Inc.; 4600 County Road 73 NE; Alexandria, MN 56308 • Lifetime Landscaping; 1609 N McKay Ave NE; Alexandria, MN 56308 • Hvezda Excavating; 5228 County Road 21 SW; Alexandria, MN 56308 • Diversified Foundations, LLC. DBA Diversified Excavation; 9721 Carlos Timbers CT NE; Alexandria MN 56308 • Marcyes Excavating, Inc.; 25116 213th Ave; Long Prairie, MN 56347 Motion carried. To approve Preliminary Plat – Canavati Addition 09-0217-000 with conditions. Motion carried. To approve Preliminary Plat – Peterson Legacy 24-0609-000 with conditions. Motion carried. To approve conditional Use Permit – Matthew Arlan Kakac 30-0513-000 with conditions. Motion carried. To approve conditional Use Permit – Nathan and Amy McCabe 24-1032-725 with conditions. Motion carried. To approve the 2022 Land and Resource Management Fee Schedule which will remain in effect until fee schedule is changed by the Board. Motion carried. To approve filling to fill a full time Eligibility Worker vacancy and any subsequent vacancies. Motion carried. To approve the Determination of Need for Productive Alternatives relocation. Motion carried. To approve the fiscal host contract for Children’s Mental Health Collaborative. Motion carried. Laurie Bonds, Community Human Services Director, shared an update on the bylaws for Region IV South. Jacob Turner, Veterans Service Officer provided an office update to the Board. To approve the renewal of a seasonal on-sale liquor license for Parview Properties Inc. dba: Miltona Golf Course for the license period of 4/1/2022 – 11/01/2022. Motion carried. To adopt Resolution 22-20 regarding lawful gambling activity for NWTF Christina Lake Long Beards. Motion carried. To adopt Resolution 22-21 regarding lawful gambling activity for Minnesota Sheriffs Association. Motion carried. To appoint the following individuals to the 2022 Redistricting Committee: Vicki Doehling (Auditor/Treasurer), Tara Anderson (Deputy Auditor/Treasurer), Heather Schlangen (County Coordinator), Pat Veraguth (County Surveyor), Katie Reitter (GIS Coordinator), ), Joe Zunker (E-911 Coordinator), Chad Larson (County Attorney), Tim Kalina (Board Chair/County Commissioner – District 2) and Jerry Rapp (County Commissioner – District III). Motion carried. To adopt Resolution 22-22 authorizing Tax-Forfeiture Sale. Motion carried. To pay bills in the amount of $5,898,435.34 as follows: VENDOR NAME COUNT AMOUNT OTHER VENDORS 531 $244,709.30 A & E PLUMBING & HEATING INC $9,112.45 ALEXANDRIA TWP TREASURER $64,844.79 ALEXANDRIA CITY CLERK-TREAS $73,275.60 ALEXANDRIA ELECTRIC $2,040.40 ALEXANDRIA HRA $2,360.30 ALEXANDRIA LAKE AREA SANITARY DISTRICT $8,262.84 ALEXANDRIA LIGHT & POWER $22,118.42 ALOMERE HEALTH $17,107.36 AMERICAN FLOOR MATS $2,934.33 ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME LLC $3,200.00 ARNQUIST CARPETSPLUS COLORTILE $22,175.24 ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA COUNTIES $12,890.00 BELLE RIVER TWP TREASURER $28,983.23 BEARSON JR/GLEN D $4,653.00 BEILKE-TRUSTEE/JOEL $13,915.00 BEULKE/TONYA A & ROY R $4,810.00 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION $1,754,171.25 BRANDON TOWNSHIP TREASURER $37,768.76 VENDOR XX68 $2,249.50 BREMER BONDS & INTEREST $20,190.55 CARLOS TOWNSHIP TREASURER $48,364.74 CHAPPELL CENTRAL, INC $3,165.40 CONTEGRITY GROUP INC $14,573.20 CARLOS CREEK WINERY, INC. $2,708.35 CASEBEER/LONNY W & MARIA L $2,315.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY $29,737.57 CENTRAL SPECIALTIES INC $21,986.75 CLAY COUNTY $7,000.00 COLE PAPERS INC $2,402.95 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC. $38,414.22 CONSULTING SOLUTIONS LLC $4,000.00 COUNTIES PROVIDING TECHNOLOGY $9,365.00 CRAGUN’S CORP $2,477.44 VENDOR XX25 $2,767.06 DESIGN ELECTRIC $2,319.02 DOUG CO SOIL & WATER CONS DIST $9,867.00 DOUGLAS COUNTY HRA $8,942.21 DAIKIN APPLIED $4,050.50 DELL MARKETING L.P. $6,049.33 DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES $18,856.14 DOUGLAS COUNTY ATTORNEY $8,206.97 DOUGLAS COUNTY AUDITOR-TREASURER $437,975.41 DOUGLAS COUNTY DAC $5,481.18 DOUGLAS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS $30,476.33 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE $18,632.70 DUTCHER LAW OFFICE LLC $2,518.87 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES, INC $2,850.00 EVANSVILLE CITY TREASURER $7,079.58 EVANSVILLE TWP TREASURER $25,011.34 VENDOR XX76 $2,010.12 ECHO ELECTRIC LLC $31,758.38 ENTERPRISE FLEET MANAGEMENT TRUST $7,950.53 VENDOR XXX67 $2,197.92 FRONTIER PRECISION INC $4,149.00 FARM FIELDS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP II $8,414.00 FARMERS UNION OIL CO $2,959.45 FARSTAD OIL, INC $45,858.93 GARFIELD CITY TREASURER $11,009.85 GUNION PAINTING LLC $22,325.00 HILLTOP LUMBER, INC. $6,637.12 HOLMES CITY TWP TREASURER $34,802.82 HUDSON TOWNSHIP TREASURER $39,897.53 HEARTLAND GIRL’S RANCH $9,907.60 HEGG LAW OFFICE $3,550.00 HINTZEN/ANITA $2,450.00 I.T. SOLUTIONS OF MINNESOTA LLC $5,376.00 IDA TOWNSHIP TREASURER $58,219.15 ISD 206 $168,586.81 ISD 213 $11,610.04 ISD 2342 $3,687.51 ISD 2908 BRANDON-EVANSVILLE SCHOOL $20,860.82 ISD 547 $5,817.90 JOHNSON CONTROLS INC $29,761.62 KENSINGTON CITY TREASURER $3,360.00 VENDOR XX06 $2,639.65 KNOWBE4 INC $6,831.00 KRONOS SAASHR INC $5,558.14 LA GRAND TOWNSHIP TREASURER $71,076.08 LAKE MARY TWP TREASURER $37,476.81 LAKES AREA LUMBER $4,441.97 LEAF VALLEY TWP TREASURER $33,118.29 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE, INC $5,610.31 LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER $127,142.50 LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES INC $2,505.00 LUND TOWNSHIP TREASURER $24,590.47 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICE OF MINNESOTA $2,068.00 LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES OF MN $4,176.90 MID CENTRAL DOOR COMPANY $15,019.37 MILLERVILLE TWP TREASURER $32,444.21 MILTONA TWP TREASURER $37,139.32 MINNESOTA REVENUE $3,218.51 MORICAL BROTHERS INC $24,233.38 MOTOROLA $67,937.93 MAIN STREET FAMILY SERVICES $2,514.85 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC $8,462.85 MARSHALL MACHINE SHOP INC $34,000.00 MEND CORRECTIONAL CARE LLC $15,060.36 MENDED LLC $2,413.75 MINNESOTA CO INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRUST $587,416.00 MINNESOTA COUNTIES COMPUTER COOPERATIVE $24,928.73 MINNESOTA SHERIFFS’ ASSOCIATION $10,451.63 MN DEPT OF FINANCE $25,034.50 MOE TOWNSHIP TREASURER $38,416.41 MORRIS ELECTRONICS INC $5,290.68 MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC $2,936.39 MSOP-MN SEX OFFENDER PROG-462 $15,669.90 NORTHWEST DIVERS, INC $2,898.60 NEOGOV $4,631.00 NEXT CHAPTER TECHNOLOGY INC $132,670.00 NEXUS-MILLE LACS FAMILY HEALING $6,731.65 VENDOR XXX52 $3,450.48 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL OF ALEX LLC $18,826.70 NORTHWESTERN MN JUVENILE CENTER $8,215.00 ORANGE TOWNSHIP TREASURER $28,298.67 OSAKIS CITY CLERK*TREASURER $8,695.30 OSAKIS TWP TREASURER $32,917.68 VENDOR XXX81 $2,240.37 PITNEY BOWES $7,000.00 POPE COUNTY AUDITOR-TREASURER $32,887.57 PORT GROUP HOME (BOYS) $7,848.27 POLK COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT $3,000.00 POPE DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE $38,300.74 PRESBYTERIAN FAMILY FOUNDATION (PFF) $2,298.80 RAINBOW RIDER TRANSIT $3,401.84 VENDOR XX56 $3,294.37 REM CENTRAL LAKES INC $4,109.21 ROB’S AUTO BODY INC $2,457.82 RUNESTONE AREA EDUC DIST, ISD #6014 $8,975.00 RURAL MINNESOTA CEP INC $10,247.58 SOLEM TOWNSHIP TREASURER $26,527.38 SPRUCE HILL TWP TREASURER $32,541.97 STATE OF MINNESOTA $27,815.00 SCOTT/JASON LEE $4,298.00 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP $110,583.00 SIBELL PROPERTIES LLC $2,003.00 SOURCEWELL $102,000.00 STEIN’S, INC $3,180.34 STREAMWORKS $9,075.00 STREICHER’S $3,360.87 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION $2,540.25 THESING/ERIC M & SHELBY L $57,970.00 THORNTON,DOLAN,BOWEN,KLECKER&BURKHAMMER $2,720.00 URNESS TOWNSHIP TREASURER $27,154.39 VALLEY LAKE BOYS HOME INC $6,355.00 VENDOR XX7 $2,135.38 VERIZON WIRELESS $2,398.67 VIKINGLAND COMMUNITY SUPPORT PROGRAM,INC $7,000.00 VOYANT COMMUNICATIONS LLC $2,385.57 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING & ASSC $18,750.00 WASH IT $3,255.00 WATERFRONT RESTORATION LLC $5,439.00 WEST CENTRAL MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ACTION $25,458.54 WEST CENTRAL MN PETROLEUM LLC $24,332.22 WEST CENTRAL REGIONAL JUV CTR $48,559.00 VENDOR XX09 $3,989.70 VENDOR XX63 $2,113.00 ZIEGLER, INC $8,749.84 GRAND TOTAL $5,898,435.34 Motion carried. To authorize ARPA funds in the amount of $819,478.71 to purchase ARMER Mobile and Portable Radios for the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Douglas County Public Works department. Motion carried. To authorize ARPA funds in the amount up to $106,412.00 to replace the pit toilets with vaulted toilets at Chippewa Park. Motion carried. To authorize ARPA funds in the amount up to $27,759.60 for cement work, drop box, and new website for the Douglas County Library. Motion carried. To authorize ARPA funds in the amount up to $9,500.00 for emergency housing needs during the coldest months of the year for Douglas County Residents. Motion carried. The County Board discussed Department Head Meetings which will be held in the Administration Building and via Microsoft Teams. To allow per diem for Commissioner Kalina for the Minnesota Hospital Association meeting held on January 7, 2022, the COVID Community Partners meeting held on January 12, 2022, and the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan meeting held on January 19, 2022. Motion carried. To accept the County Commissioner Reports including the results of the information gathering or liaison activities; confirming the matters before the board necessitates the committee activity; and such activities has been authorized by the full county board. This motion also authorizes payment of such per diem and travel reimbursement as that individual Commissioners is authorized for, for in performing such duties as requested by completion of the per diem/travel voucher submitted. Motion carried. To move forward with the building design and cost estimate for the Water Patrol and AIS Building at the Public Works site. Motion carried. There were no items from the floor. To adjourn the meeting at 11:57 a.m. Motion carried. 38403

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