A wedding is a ceremony that celebrates the beginning of a marriage or civil union between two people; once the province of only a male/female relationship, changes to the law have made this concept obsolete. Marriage is still a legal contract despite the religious background; the law requires that the couple sign the marriage certificate in front of witnesses before the marriage can be legally accepted. There are a great many traditions around the world but the terms bride and groom before the couple are married are seemingly universal; after the ceremony they are referred to as husband and wife.
Religious Services
Of course other wedding traditions can be much more complicated as soon as you look into different race, social classes and ethnic groups to name a few. Performed by a Christian priest or vicar, the Church ceremony continues to be top of the list as a venue. White weddings may be quite normal for those of us that live in the United States, UK, Ireland and the Commonwealth but they are not always accepted worldwide amongst Christian faiths.
Multiple Services
A double marriage is a single ceremony where two couples rendezvous for two separate ceremonies; related people are the most likely to try for this type of service.
Destination Weddings
Destination weddings are becoming more popular and many couples decide to have their wedding and honeymoon in the same place; destination weddings automatically conjure up exotic countries but it could just as easily be a themed wedding in Las Vegas to qualify for that title.
Weekend Break Weddings
A weekend wedding is where couples and their guests celebrate over the course of a weekend. To cater for an expanding market a number of companies arrange special themed occasions that incorporate anything from golf to surfing. Lodging is usually at the same facility and couples often host a Sunday brunch for the weekend’s finale.
Online Ceremonies
An online wedding is conducted on the internet which can resemble a normal ceremony; internet based specialists are already available to help organize your ceremony. Marriages that are broadcast live online are also referred to as online weddings.
City Hall Weddings
Despite the term civil wedding, most services that take place outside of a Church, wherever that may be, are civil weddings which have to be carried out by appointed or elected judges, mayors or a justice of the peace. Although it may sound clinical, civil ceremonies usually make no reference to God. Often, this type of service will take place in a judge’s chambers, town or city hall or any other specially designated place.
This brief article mainly discusses weddings based around Christian beliefs but the number of religions and cultures around the world means there is much more to learn about this subject.