Maintaining Law and Order in a Society


For maintaining law and order in a society, there must be rules that should be followed so that the ones which have done the wrong deeds in their lives get their reward. Many ways are always present to bring a person to the pleasant life although he has done wrong deed but punishment is not the solution always. Careful planning and observations sort the ways that ask the offenders to come to the right path.

Training of the persons who maintain law and order in the society is the compulsory part of it. There are such areas which should be trained before enforcement.

What law enforcement departments do to enforce people to be in the limits and follow the laws made by these departments? Should they torture in cold and clammy cells? They should read the principles of how to set the criminals and what should be the factors that should be kept in mind before making any decision. This is not right to tease them in black cells, with this way they won’t be able to bring dark souls back.

It should have in the mind of every member that punish is the last step; don’t take it into account as first step. Studies have shown that there are ways which can be used to alleviate these people. Offenders are placed in such a cells and proximity that no one can imagine. This is just because of single person that spoils the name of the whole department.

Just the compilation is required from the officer. After first wrong activity, it’s the duty of officer to bring the offender to the right path by hop and jump skill. If the offender comes back to the right path leave him. But if again he commits any wrong deed, he should not treat him badly, but have to join his hand and see the root of offense.

The sense of a criminal thinks that what he is doing is right and is a new place for other partners of him in the worst possible thinking.

What should be done regarding this subject to have a good grasp over it? Very simple, we have to take into the count the professional experience of our seniors and utilize it to work in this field. These candidates can then become selective members in the department.

This also helps us in the area of leadership and management of any project in the career of one.

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